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    Monday, February 16, 2009

    ILM #6: Simple exercise for your devotional time.

    Today at ILM we started the morning with worship. Then we took 20 minutes to reflect on the following. I found this very healthy for me to do. Perhaps you would like to take this idea and use it in a small group, church setting, or for your personal devotions.

    First, why reflect? It helps us become who God created us to become and stop Satan’s grip on us.

    What are you struggling with? (remember many struggles are not of flesh and blood, but are spiritual.)

    How is the enemy trying to stumble, immobilize and trap you?

    It it through an unresolved relationship or a challenging circumstance?

    Are you being . . .
            . . . swallowed alive by disappointment, disillusionment, self pity?
            . . . engulfed by the flood of anxiety, inadequacy, fear?

            . . . swept away by selfish ambition, pride, covetousness?

            . . . torn apart by anger, bitterness, envy, lust?

    What is the enemy’s lie?

    What is the LORD’s truth?

    Promise from the LORD: Our help comes from the Lord, the make of heaven and Earth.

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