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    Wednesday, October 29, 2008

    Does short-term missions work?

    if you stop with short-term missions it become a cul-de-sac.

    what about Rick Warren’s PEACE plan

    What is the PEACE Plan?

    Does it stop there? Where does it go from here?

    ideas about this blog and what we do

    Mission catalyst blog.
    Life on Mission
    Resourcing your Church
    Resourcing your peers with missions.
    Resource your friends with missions.

    Restoring Hope.

    Facts & Stories of Missions unleashed.
    Joining God on Mission

    GO YE: numbers and stories of the Great Commission.
    GOYE: Facts & stories of God’s global purposes.

    Catalize Mission.

    Fresh ideas.

    Fresh Missional Ideas.

    Free Mission Ideas.

    Free the captives.
    1) others.
    2) ourselves.

    Come with us. Use your gifts. Tell your story.

    Mission Mobilizer.

    Journeying to the heart of God

    We are on a journey to the heart of God, seeking to know this Jesus Christ of the Bible. He is mysterious, simple, beautiful, and friend. What he asks of us is everything. We hold back . . . for a while. Jesus

    Serving, mobilizing and equipping others to know Jesus Christ and make him known.

    We encourage people to faith steps beyond themselves and living a life of discipleship. Our hearts ache for those who have no voice and no one to tell them about Jesus Christ.

    We are staff with Operation Mobilization sent out by ministry partners and a few local churches.

    Wednesday, October 22, 2008

    "Take my life" :: Afghanistan

    At 8 AM yesterday morning, October 20, 2008, Afghanistan time, a worker
    with another ministry was shot and killed.  The Taliban has claimed

    You can take from me no more than my life.--Offrus Greizinger

    Oh, how easy it is to be a Christian, so long as the flesh is not put to the trial,
    or nothing has to be relinquished; then it is an easy thing to be a Christian.
                                                              --Maeyken Wens

    Thus they sang until close to the water's edge, where they were to be drowned.
                                                           --Jacob Mandel and Hendrick Sumer

    I am ready to suffer my head to be struck off, much rather than apostatize from
    my faith. --Hans Haslibacher

    Soul Food is a side dish of

    Friday, October 17, 2008

    Leadership instinct, funny bone, and a trumpet.

    The leadership instinct you are born with is the backbone.
    You develop the funny bone and the wishbone that go with it.
    -Elaine Agather

    The very essence of leadership is that you have to have vision.
    You can't blow an uncertain trumpet.
    -Theodore M. Hesburgh

    The three legs on which trust stands are character, competence, and communication.
    Much effort is put on competence and communication but character building does not receive as much attention.